- "How to find my passion?"
- "I want to get out of this good paying job that I hate and do what I love!"
- "I want to start my own business, but how?"
- "How can I do better with my job?"
- "I want my life back!"
- "Why are you controlling me?"
- "Given a golden handshake and don't know what to do next?"
- "I cannot focus or concentrate!"
How do I know that I am ready for a shift in mindset? How do I know that I am going to make a change in my life? How to start changing?
Feel free to post your questions or comment here or email to dolly@mindset-coaching.com or
Visit my website www.mindset-coaching.com for more information on coaching.
**Benefits of being coached:
Coaching is a process of your experience of greater confidence, self-awareness, courage to create bigger dreams, new habits, new behavior and personal satisfaction. As a new 'you' emerged, you will get to know your values and the alignment to your inner self. You are able to make conscious decisions to make things happen. Living life as human being versus human doing.
Dear friends, one important question for you, yes, you my dear reader,
A question for you: "One year down the road, where do you see yourself?"
A glimpse of my experience of my being coached in 2003:
"During the process of being coached, I found gems along the way and yes, warts as well. I called them warts because they hinder my smooth transition to quality living. It was very uncomfortable at first. The encouragement and support of my coach together with my courage & action helped me break my pattern! I found courage to replace wishing to willing to take action! A Coach motivates and provides positive feedback. Keeps you focus on where you are and where you want to go. Positively showing you your blind spots! Things that I thought were very difficult were becoming easier, goals that I had been thinking and thinking and thinking for five years come true within eight months of being coached!
One to one coaching has given me bonus years! Each encounter and exploration is enriched by extraordinary experiences by an ordinary person. I can do it, so can you!"~ Dolly Yeo
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